Buses thoroughly enjoy taking people to church

Published 6:32 pm Thursday, October 17, 2019

By Greg Miller

George and Geraldine were two of one local church’s fleet of buses used by a large metropolitan church to transport numerous families to the congregation’s worship services.

George and Geraldine both thoroughly enjoyed their Sunday morning and evening trips, since they were totally convinced of the importance of their labors. During the week, the buses rested in the comfort of their assigned parking spots. As they rested, they discussed their trips from the previous Sunday and the anticipation of the upcoming weekend’s routes.

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Since they only worked one day a week, George, Geraldine and the other buses were rested for their extended work day on Sunday. All the buses had such wonderful times while being driven on their routes, they self-trained their operating systems to make some unusual noises as they made their way down the city and county roads. “I believe even our engines are capable of making a joyful noise unto the Lord,” George told Geraldine during an off day.

The buses’ passengers took note of the jovial attitudes the vehicles seemed to exude. One Sunday on the way to the church, a passenger named Georgia commented on the attitude which she perceived was owned by Geraldine. “You’re always in such a great mood,” Georgia told the bus. “How do you manage to do it?”

“Oh, it’s not hard at all,” smiled Geraldine. “I just keep my mind on everything Jesus suffered on the Cross when he was dying for the sins of all my passengers, and I realize I don’t have things so bad at all.”

“You’re absolutely right, now that I think about it,” Georgia said. “The church’s mechanics always keep your fluids — such as gasoline, water, oil, and transmission and brake fluids — at the correct levels. And they regularly check the brake pads and windshield wipers to make sure they’re working properly.”

“Not only do they keep us properly maintained,” Geraldine responded. “They also wash us every week and make sure we always look our best when we’re out on the roads picking up people for church.”

“I’ve noticed that,” grinned Georgia. “In fact, I believe all the people who ride the buses to church notice how nice and clean the entire fleet of buses always appears to be.”

“It’s only proper and fitting,” chuckled Geraldine, “that we buses are clean on the inside and outside, just like the Lord wants all true human believers in Him to be.”

(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements (in the U.S.A.), including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please type “Speaking Engagements” in the subject line and e-mail raysofson@gmail.com, kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com or ministry4jesus@yahoo.com.)