Couple plans for springtime family addition

Published 8:13 am Friday, February 21, 2020

Valentine’s Day, the holiday for incurable romantics, had disappeared into the pages of history.
The number of days until the official arrival of the approaching spring continued to shrink in number, while nature’s signals that spring was, indeed, on the way, continued to grow. The number of sightings of robins was increasing every day. More and more warm days were drawing fishermen of all experience levels to rivers and lakes in quest of the one that didn’t get away. Employees began planning their summer vacations in earnest.
Blake and Beverly had been ready for spring’s arrival ever since the disappearance of the previous summer. “Spring means resurrection and a newness of life,” Beverly told her husband.
“And that concept will take on a new meaning with the arrival of our first baby in a couple of months,” Blake replied.
“That’s true,” Beverly agreed. “And our daughter, Brianna Spring, will love the fact that she is being born at this special time of the year. I know she will learn to love all of the other seasons, too, but I think she is really going to appreciate spring more.”
Blake and Beverly had been praying for their unborn daughter as soon as they found out that Beverly was pregnant. Along with the beginning of those prayers came a feeling deep inside both Beverly and Blake that they were growing closer to the Lord, to their unborn daughter and to themselves.
Beverly and Blake asked their church’s minister, Pastor Bernard, if they could have a public dedication of their baby at the church, before she was born. Beverly explained, “We’ve already dedicated her to the Lord ourselves, but we’d like to involve the entire church and have them participate in a public dedication now, even though we’d still like to do another dedication after she’s born.”
Pastor Bernard agreed and, with a knowing smile, he said, “Why don’t we do it next Sunday? We’ll have the pre-birth dedication before the morning sermon. Then after the service, we’ll have a special time of food and fellowship in our activities building.”
Blake and Beverly agreed and the following Sunday, the unusual ceremony was conducted. After the service, everyone went to the activities building for the fellowship. “What a bright and festive atmosphere!” Beverly exclaimed.
“Yes, it’s an exciting time, that’s for sure,” Blake agreed.
Brianna Spring felt the time was appropriate to make her presence known. In her loudest outside voice she proclaimed, “I can’t wait to be born, because I just know I’m going to really enjoy all these food and fellowship gatherings. They may even be my favorite part of church!”
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