Humans, robins develop unusual friendship

Published 8:27 am Friday, March 13, 2020

The kitchen wall clock and the gigantic bedroom calendar made it official: Spring had arrived right on time, with the usual mixture of clouds, rain, snow, warm and cool temperatures, sun and wind.
Robins sang their love songs, while sharing their thoughts of God’s harmonious creation. Farmers prepared their land for the seeds they would soon plant into earth’s reproductive soil, while the sun and rainfall contentedly daydreamed about their respective roles in the earth’s annual ritual rebirth.
Students anxiously anticipated spring’s arrival because they realized their summer vacation was only a few short weeks away. Engaged couples memorized newly-written love songs of mutual commitment, while the sun gazed on with rays of approval.
Renaldo and Ruby, who had been married for an entire year, were preparing to celebrate their first annual Anniversary of Love. “I love you more than the day we got married!” Renaldo declared.
“And I love you more than the first time we shared those three magic words,” Ruby gushed.
Renaldo and Ruby were about to meet a pair of real-life lovebirds. Just outside Renaldo and Ruby’s bedroom window, Ray and Ramona, two robins, had built their first springtime nest. As soon as their nest had been completed, the robins decided to get to know their human neighbors.
Every morning, Renaldo and Ruby ate breakfast out on their patio. One morning, Ray and Ramona introduced themselves to their human counterparts.
When Renaldo and Ruby noticed the robins were nearby, they began dropping crumbs of toast for the feathered creatures. Ray and Ramona gratefully accepted the mini-morsels and hopped ever closer to their benefactors.
The robins and humans were almost instantly attracted to each other. “I believe the Sovereign Lord wants us to be friends with these humans,” chirped Ramona.
“So do I, sweetheart,” Ray returned the chirp.
Renaldo and Ruby motioned for the robins to come closer to them. “We won’t hurt you!” Ruby promised.
“That’s right,” said Renaldo. “We want to be your friends.”
“You two are very strange, even for humans,” chirped Ray.
“We already know that little bit of information!” chuckled Ruby. “And when it comes to robins, you two are also probably a bit unusual. And that information isn’t just for the birds!”
“We’re all somewhat unique,” said Renaldo. “We humans are all created in the image of God, although all of us are distinctly different.”
“I realize we robins weren’t created in God’s image,” Ray mused. “However, I think it’s worth noting that God created us before He created you, so since that’s the case, I just want to make the point… God must have thought we were pretty special, too!”
(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements (in the U.S.A.), including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please type “Speaking Engagements” in the subject line and e-mail or

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