That Burns My Biscuits!

Published 9:35 am Tuesday, March 31, 2020

By E.J. Smith
As readers should know by now, this column is for airing the little things that get to us in everyday life and make us so mad so quickly. Remember? Trashed roads, swimming holes, yards and much more. We will get back to all that. Today, instead of discussing what burns our biscuits, we will be talking about acts that butter them!
In a world so uncertain and downright scary, we need humor. Joking about something can relieve the stress and suffering of a bad situation; just don’t go too far and use cruelty to get laughs. Here is a sample of an acceptable joke (says who?). An ad on an online dating service says, “Man with a case of hand sanitizer looking for woman with rolls of toilet paper. Baby, we will have good clean fun.”  Hahahaha…or you can make your own jokes.
The world today is in dire need of kindness. Some people are doing phenomenal things for others. Some of them we hear about, some we don’t. Celebrities are giving millions and we all appreciate that they are in a position to do such wonderful things. We cannot all give millions or even money at all, but we can make another smile, laugh, and have a better day. On the news recently, we have seen family members playing music and singing to their family members at their windows in the nursing home. Residents in nursing facilities are quarantined to keep them safe from the virus pandemic.
One little boy was given a drive-by birthday party. His neighbors and family drove by tooting horns and shouting Happy Birthday! They tossed gifts to him and everyone got cake.
Let’s think of things that our neighbors might need or things that would cheer them. Then, let’s go and do them! Trust me, if you are not used to doing for others, you are going to feel so good. You may not be on the evening news for your contribution, but that is not why we give, right? We give to help others, no matter who they are or what they do.
There are some who are saying that the virus is a big hoax for whatever reason or another. The only thing I can say is don’t listen to them, too many have already died because of it and when the hoax screamers die from it I guess they will know the truth!
So, remember to wash hands often and socially distance yourself from others. Wear protective gloves to pump gas, get groceries, and about any other tasks you must do in public places. Stay at home if you can. DO NOT TREAT THIS PANDEMIC AS A HOAX. Your attitude could kill you!
Please think of ways we can help each other out during these most harsh of times. We can provide services such as getting groceries and medicine for an elderly neighbor, entertaining your grandchildren, baking cookies for neighbors, and many more.
If you  have ideas for staying safe and sane during the coronavirus pandemic, please share with everyone by sending your ideas to And we will share with our readers.
You are in my prayers,

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