I am fully persuaded

Published 8:31 am Friday, April 3, 2020

In the book of Romans Paul tells us that he was strong in the faith and that he was “fully persuaded” that what God promised, he was able to perform.  In order for Paul to accomplish everything that he did in his ministry, he had to be fully persuaded that God was who he said that he was. The definition of fully persuaded is a highly developed faith, the kind of faith that cannot be moved and always takes the victory. It takes possession of everything that grace has made available and doesn’t leave anything on the table. To be fully persuaded is to fully trust in God and the promises that he has made each and every one of us. However, Paul wasn’t always fully persuaded in his Christian walk. Before someone becomes fully persuaded, one must have been at some point “partially persuaded.” Paul had to have a Damacus road experience before he fully trusted God. What is it gonna take for us as Christians, in this day and time, to be fully persuaded? I can only speak for myself, but I haven’t always been fully persuaded. There have been many times in my walk that I just relied on myself and my capabilities to get me through much of what was going on in my life and my career, but is that really enough? Can we make a difference in this world just walking around as Christians, just being partially persuaded that the God we serve is capable of taking care of all our problems, needs and wants. That there is no battle present or future that he will not be victorious over?
With our current national crisis going on, there is no time greater than the present to be like Paul, I am fully persuaded. This is a situation that none of us can fix, all we can do is hand this over to God and let him take control. I am fully persuaded of Romans 8:28: “All things work together for the good of those that are the called according to his purpose.” I have never been more convinced than I am now that God is in full control of our lives. There is nothing that happens to us that doesn’t pass through his hands first.  But, to be fully persuaded is not easy. It is a decision that we have to make every single day of our lives. Sometimes that decision is brought on by fear but sometimes that decision is brought on by having no other options in sight. But, that very same scripture from Romans will test you as a Christian almost every single day of your life, for the rest of your life. The book of James tells us not to waiver in our faith and that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. We have to decide to follow Jesus and trust him with everything that is within us, even when there is no physical evidence of what he is doing in the midst of the storm.
I know there are so many things that are unknown in the days ahead, with jobs, finances, school, and our local small businesses that it is easy to be discouraged and afraid. But, I am encouraged by all the families out enjoying each other like I’ve never seen before. I have seen more community love circulating, and most of all I have seen more of the gospel getting shared on social media than ever before. This is a wonderful time for us to push the reset button on life and get back to God. I think he has each and every one of us where he needs us. We have absolutely no control over this tiny little virus that is going through the world. But, it does speak in God’s word about a tiny little thing that we can control. That tiny little thing is the faith the size of a mustard seed, which comes through prayer and fasting. I challenge you in the days and weeks ahead that you spend much time praying and fasting for God’s protection and healing over our churches, community, families, our nation, and our Leaders both local and national. This virus is bigger than all of us, but it is no comparison to the mighty God that we serve. I hope during this time of uncertainty that you are fully persuaded that God is the only thing that will help us in a time such as this. Be strong and be vigilant in the Lord! Be Blessed in the Lord today!
(The Solution Column is provided by the Rev. Brandon Young of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church, Hampton, and his associate, David Odom)

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