A fresh look is coming…

Published 12:40 am Monday, April 13, 2020

By now, you have probably read the front page of today’s edition and discovered that the Star is making some changes around here and I, for one, am looking forward with much anticipation to a fresh change that I believe will be very appealing for our readers.
From a sports perspective, the opportunity to have a larger section will afford me the opportunity to bring into our editions some more flavors that I have been wanting to give our sports readers like more national sports such as Major League Baseball, NCAA Football, NFL Football, and NASCAR just to mention a few.
I know the first knee-jerk reaction is to be concerned that coverage will not be the same but if anything coverage of your athletes and sports at each area school will, if anything, increase having a dedicated sports section.
We are also going to be posting stories to our Star website, www.elizabethton.com, on a daily basis so you will be able to access fresh stories daily.
And even though right now I can honestly say that I realize what people experience with withdrawals when trying to stop smoking because I am having withdrawals from not being at a field covering a game of some kind, we as a community will get back to seeing our kids and grandkids taking the fields and courts once again when this COVID-19 comes to an end.
When that happens my correspondents, photographers, and I will be covering as much if not more than we have in the past and when you receive your Star on Wednesdays and Saturdays you will have so much to read you won’t know where to start.
I am excited to see the direction that Boone Newspapers is guiding the Elizabethton Star in and the end product will be one that the whole community will be very proud to call their own.
One thing that I do know is that when that first pitch is released, the first ball is kicked, or the first touchdown is scored that I will be more than elated to be back to the grindstone.
There is a saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder and I believe that applies to many situations whether it be romance or sports.
People have been asking how do I stay sane not having something to cover.
In reality, having the opportunity to step back for just a moment has made me appreciate even more the opportunity that I have and ideas have been flooding my mind on how to improve our sports section.
Hopefully, that translates over to you, our reader, as you pick up future editions.
Thank you for all your positive comments and input into how we can be even better. I will be the first to admit that we are not perfect but we truly want to do our very level best to bring you accurate and important sports coverage from a wide range of sporting events.
As always, if you have input please feel free to email me at ivan.sanders@elizabethton.com. I will do my level best to get back with you as soon as possible.
Thanks again for being a valued reader. We look forward to bringing you the very best in local and national sports coverage going forward.

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