The public benefits from everyone wearing a mask

Published 5:19 pm Tuesday, April 21, 2020

To the Editor:
Thanks to the Elizabethton Star for encouraging people to wear masks during the pandemic. Thanks to Dynasty Bridal for creating masks for our community. One misconception about coronavirus is the wrong belief — the general public doesn’t benefit from everyone wearing a mask. Some wrongly only recommended masks for sick people, health care workers and those taking care of someone who is sick with coronavirus.
A research paper from February 19, 2020 compared medical staff at Zhongnan Hospital caring for patients with coronavirus between January 2-22, 2020, who were medical staff in the Respiratory, ICU and Infectious Disease Departments and wore N95 respirators and washed hands frequently compared to medical staff in the Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery, Trauma and Microsurgery and Urology Departments who wore no masks and disinfected their hands less frequently. Even though the masked group encountered more confirmed cases of coronavirus than the unmasked (seven times more cases) none of the 280 staff contracted coronavirus. Sadly 10 of the unmasked group became infected.
Experts recommend a Particulate Respirator Mask that filters at least 95% of particles and is marked P95, R95 or N95 or higher. A properly fitted respirator mask should be worn over both the nose and mouth, and form a tight seal so you can’t smell odors. A regular surgical mask will provide little protection for you but will protect others from your cough or sneeze. Any mask benefits you and the public by keeping you from touching your mouth or nose. Glasses are better than contacts because they can keep you from touching your eyes. In countries like Hong Kong, everyone wears a mask because everyone wearing a mask benefits the public. Keep and store your mask even after danger has passed because coronavirus could return or another virus could begin.
Social distancing from New York will lower your chance of dying from coronavirus by 40 percent. New York has 40 percent of all of the coronavirus deaths in America. New York leaders have long been attacking Christians and the Bible. Six days after the New York Supreme Court approved of homosexual marriage and the governor and leaders agreed and celebrated they had the greatest disaster in New York history — Hurricane Sandy. Last year in January, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the most evil abortion bill in America into law allowing for abortions up until the moment of birth. After the abortion law passed it was celebrated throughout New York City by lighting up several buildings including One World Trade Center in pink. New York went from number one in abortions deaths last year, to number one in number of deaths from coronavirus this year. The Big Apple (New York) is rotten to the core. God isn’t mocked. New York isn’t celebrating now but they continue to mock God. Americans prayed to God for New York and the numbers have went down.
On April 13, New York Governor  Cuomo said God had nothing to do with the dropping numbers of coronavirus cases in New York. According to The Daily Wire, Cuomo asserted, “The number is down because we brought the number down.” Cuomo added, “God did not do that. Faith did not do that. Destiny did not do that.” Also in New York, in March New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to permanently shut down churches and houses of worship that refused to comply with the city’s lockdown measures. Coronavirus didn’t surprise God. In 1986 the late Pastor David Wilkerson said, “I see a plague coming on the world and bars and church and government will shut down. The plague will hit New York City and shake it like it has never been shaken. The plague is going to force prayerless believers into radical prayer and into their Bibles and repentance will be the cry from the man of God in the pulpit and out of it will come a third Great Awakening that will sweep America and the world.” Wilkerson said New York will receive 1000 fires if they don’t repent! Fox News said, “Coronavirus outbreak spurs record Bible purchases.” People are looking for hope that only Jesus and the Bible gives.
Christians overcome by the blood of Jesus and their testimony and will be given crowns by Jesus. A major theme in Revelation is “many crowns”: 24 elders throw many crowns at the feet of Jesus. Jesus returns wearing many crowns. Coronaviruses are shaped like crowns and the name itself is Latin for crown. The Bible says the end times is like childbirth. Things will come faster and stronger until Jesus comes. The mother is now “crowning” getting ready to give birth, meaning the rapture of the Church will occur any moment. High time to wake up because it’s later than you think. Look up for our day of redemption draws nigh!
D.D. Nave

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