Jesus gave Himself as ransom for us

Published 1:01 pm Monday, April 27, 2020

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: Since Jesus was the son of David, the king of Israel, why did Jesus not emphasize His kingship? — K.J.
Dear K.J.: The kingship of Christ was not of this world. He came down from glory and walked among mankind as a man who could sympathize with our greatest need — for eternal salvation. Earthly kings have come and gone, but Christ remains the coming King of glory.
But all through His life, Jesus spoke with kingly authority. He spoke often of His coming kingdom. His conduct was regal, and His ethics were righteous.
From the beginning the potentates of political, social and ecclesiastical life were distrustful of Him. His high ethical teachings, His irreproachable moral character, and His regal lineage constantly jeopardized the security of the thrones of hypocrites.
Herod feared Jesus. Pilate was suspicious of Him. But Christ had not come to set up an earthly kingdom. He had come to be the King of redemption. His kingdom was to be spiritual. He was to reign in the hearts of men and women.
Christ also died like a king. By virtue of His kingly office, He was the only One in Heaven qualified to redeem a lost world. Had Jesus Christ been less than He was, He could not have made atonement for our sins. Jesus gave Himself as ransom for us.
What greater service could the King possibly render His subjects than to exonerate them from all guilt and to make them joint heirs with Him in His kingdom? The King laid down His life and paid the terrible debt of sinners.
There is no greater position for man to have than to be a child of the King, a joint heir with Christ, and a member of the Royal Family of Heaven. “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:17).
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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