This world is not the way God meant it to be

Published 12:41 pm Monday, May 4, 2020

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: Never in my lifetime has the world experienced the enormous fallout of a pandemic like the coronavirus. I’ve never heard so many personal friends talk about fear like this. How do we find hope in such grim times? — V.S.
Dear V.S.: The hearts of mankind fail us when fear takes over. An international news outlet carried reports about the fears that grip nations due to outbreaks like killer viruses — pandemics that often bring about economic chaos. Such accounts seem to be bound in hopelessness because people look to governments, world leaders, and others to fix the problems instead of looking to God.
The Bible says, “Your word is my source of hope” (Psalm 119:114, NLT). Jesus Christ wants to give us hope today and for the future. He wants us to learn what it means to trust Him and walk with Him every day regardless of the circumstances of life. He wants us to trust Him for every breath, every decision, and every step we take. Faith in Him points us beyond our problems as we open our hearts to Him.
The world today desperately hungers for hope, and yet uncounted people have almost given up. Our hope cannot rest in this world for it cannot solve man’s problems. Like a deadly virus, sin has infected everything, not only the human race, but all creation.
This world is not the way God meant it to be, and neither are we. But this isn’t the end of the story. How hopeless life would be if it were — but it isn’t, because God has provided the cure, and that is to trust in Him by surrendering completely to Him and receiving His wonderful salvation. This is the only hope that brings true life.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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