Writer seeks to clarify previous letter and issue of racism
Published 11:46 am Tuesday, June 22, 2021
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To the Editor:
Thanks to Susan J. Peters for her letter “Reader exploits exaggerated claims by letter writer.” While Peters is wrong that I exaggerated claims that President Biden and his Secretary of State are promoting/encouraging homosexuality by allowing the rainbow(LGBTQ) flag beneath the American flag over our embassies throughout the world and allowing Black Lives Matter(BLM) flag over U.S. embassies here. I could have been clearer. To be clear President Biden is giving the ambassador of the country the choice to fly LGBTQ flag. In some Muslim countries it could be dangerous to fly the LGBTQ flag. Peters missed the point I was making that President Biden is encouraging homosexuality. President Biden before he became president said his highest priority is passing the Equality Act. This would give LGBTQ the highest rights and could cause Christians to go to prison.
BLM leaders have said they are for communism and against two-parent family. See website www.christianheadlines.com article, “Former BLM leader speaks out against organization, says it shows little concern for rebuilding black families.” Susan Peters contradicts herself while praising and quoting Dr. Martin Luther King in one part of her letter she puts down religion and puts down quoting scriptures another part. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a Baptist pastor who often quoted scriptures. Dr. King also as I have done spoke out against homosexuality and for the family.
In another Susan Peters letter, “Writer believes history taught in school should not be selective.” Peters disagrees with Tennessee passing law against teaching critical race theory (CRT) that calls all white people racist and is against the U.S. Constitution (equal protection). By supporting CRT, Peters loses all credibility and rejects the Martin Luther King Jr. dream. King Jr. said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their charter.” The main reasons Tennessee shouldn’t teach CRT is because it’s racist and a lie to say all white people are racist and have white privilege. It goes against the Bible to teach a lie. The Bible says no one can know the heart. Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Only Jesus knows our heart and can change our heart. One black pastor said he was racist against whites until Jesus changed him.
According to Christian website www.nowtheendbegins.com billionaire Oprah Winfrey says, “Whites have a leg up. You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term, white privilege is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter what.” Oprah falsely accuses all whites of having white privilege and of being racists. Pastor Geoffrey Grider says the progressive liberal left elites have a demonically inspired attack to cast all Caucasian people as racists, not for anything they’ve said or done, but merely because they are ‘white’ and white is bad. Grider says Oprah Winfrey is doing this to divide people and tear down society and bring in a global New World Order. Winfrey is so evil she also has said the lie that there are many ways to heaven.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson said, the idea of white privilege is racist, evil and dangerous. Dr. Peterson said, “There’s nothing more racist than targeting an entire ethnic group with collective crime regardless of the innocence or guilt of its individual.” It’s unfair and judgmental to judge people collectively. Many blacks have spoken out against CRT and said white privilege doesn’t exist and that white privilege is nonsense in www.prageru.com/video. One of the best is Brandon Tatum. Tatum said, the effect of blacks believing in white privilege is to make blacks angry. Tatum said, the message is: you’re oppressed. “How can this not create a victim mentality? And anyone of any color who sees himself as a victim gets angry,” said Tatum. Tatum said there are privileges in life. There’s two parent family privilege(that’s huge); there’s being lucky to be born in America privilege; and there’s good gene privilege. But white privilege is all theory and all nonsense. Tatum said, “White privilege is an attempt by the left to divide Americans by race.” Dennis Prager said if there’s white privilege why do Asian Americans and Japanese Americans have higher incomes than white Americans? It’s because education affects income more than being white. Prager said why do white men commit suicide at the highest rate if they have it so good? Did they not get the memo that they have white privilege? Prager says life is hard for everyone of every race at some point in their life. While there is no white privilege there is son and daughter eternal life privilege. To get eternal life privilege first admit you are a sinner and need Jesus. Second believe Jesus died for your sins was buried and rose again. Third call on or pray for Jesus to save you. Only Jesus can give you eternal life and change you from an enemy of God to make you a son or daughter of God.
President Theodore Roosevelt said, “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble you wouldn’t sit for a month.” President Roosevelt also said, “a poor person’s enemy is the leader, whether philanthropist or politician who tries to teach him that he is a victim of conspiracy and injustice, when in reality he is merely working out his fate with blood and sweat as the immense majority of men who are worthy of the name always have done and always will do.” Roosevelt’s friend Booker T. Washington who was a black leader, educator and author agreed with him. According to the Bible no one who trusts in Jesus can be a permanent victim. God works all things for good to those who love Jesus. Although Joseph was made a slave because of his brothers and put in prison because of a false accuser God used it for good. In the same way Booker saw slavery as part of God’s plan to bring good out of evil. Booker said, “We went into slavery in this country pagans; we came out as Christians.” Booker saw Christianity not the government as the remedy for racism. Those falsely accusing all whites as being racist and encouraging blacks to see themselves as victims of racism are enemies of blacks and of America!
D.D. Nave