Unity is more than being in agreement

Published 3:16 pm Thursday, September 30, 2021

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The Bible proclaims in Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” When we consider unity, we immediately think of being in total agreement. In fact, the definition of unity is; the state of being one. What does it mean to be one? If we remember the first church in the book of Acts, they sold all their belongings and brought the money to the apostles. The money was then divided and every family got the portion it needed. They had all things in common. A part of the unity was making sure the needs of every person were met. This is the other side of unity. We are our brother and sister’s keeper.
As I drove a school bus last week, a young boy got on near the end of my morning run. The bus was pretty full, and he was looking for a seat. He said to a girl seated, “I am not sure where I can sit? Can I sit with you?” She quickly said, “No, it is not my problem!” I made sure the young man had a seat and I corrected the young lady. I informed her that his inability to find a seat was actually her problem too. As this event unfolded, I thought to myself how this mindset is prevalent in our society. Our number one priority is, most often, self. We have convinced ourselves that what others face and the problems they have are no concern of ours. This could not be further from the truth as Christians. The Bible says in Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
We are told that we must help each other along. This is real unity. How we are treating others is exactly how we are treating Jesus! It is our responsibility to alleviate the troubles of others, and we will be held accountable for what we choose to do or not do.
When one state in our country has an issue, other states lend a helping hand. That is exactly what it means to be the United States of America. We are all for one and one for all! Jesus said in Luke 11:17, “But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house [divided] against a house falleth.”
Without unity, we see a great fall and destruction. Satan knows the power of unity, and that is why he does his best to keep us divided. When we put our differences aside and reach out a helping hand, we can accomplish so much more. We must remember that unity is far more than being in agreement. It is assuming the cares, worries, and troubles of others.
(Brandon Young is Pastor at Harmony Free Will Baptist Church, Hampton)

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