You can make wishes come true all year long

Published 2:49 pm Monday, August 21, 2023

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Donate at least $20 a month to help transform the lives of local kids and receive a special edition WishMaker t-shirt

Nearly 120 critically ill East Tennessee children are waiting on their wish to come true. What would you do to help these children receive a life-changing wish?

Now, there is a way you can make wishes come true all year long. With a monthly donation of $20 or more, you can help make local wishes come true. By signing up as a monthly donor at, you can provide hope, strength, and joy to children battling serious diseases. Donating to Make-A-Wish East Tennessee gives children renewed strength to fight their illnesses, brings families closer together, and unites entire communities. You can transform their lives by donating today.

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People that make a one-time gift of $240 or sign up to donate $20 per month online will also receive a special edition WishMaker t-shirt. The shirt celebrates donors’ profound impact on the lives of kids facing a life-threatening illness. It recognizes the hope, strength, and joy the children receive from a wish. It also allows donors to highlight their impact with friends and family.

“Wishes are powerful,” said Garrett Wagley, President & CEO of Make-A-Wish East Tennessee. “Wishes bring hope and joy to a child battling a critical illness just when it’s needed most. By helping make wishes come true, monthly donors ensure that the wish happens as soon as possible and when it can have the greatest impact.”

About Make-A-Wish East Tennessee
Make-A-Wish East Tennessee grants wishes to children 2½ to 18 years old with critical conditions to provide hope, strength, and joy. Wishes are medicine and can help children face treatment with a renewed commitment. Additionally, wishes give children, their parents, and others a chance to enjoy a special time together. Make-A-Wish East Tennessee granted 75 wishes in 2022 and will grant 100+ in 2023. But nearly 120 children are waiting on wishes. The only way to grant the wish of every waiting child is by donating.