September is National Preparedness Month

Published 9:22 am Friday, September 1, 2023

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To the Editor:
September is National Preparedness Month and the 2023 campaign will focus on preparing older adults for disaster, specifically older adults in communities that are disproportionally impacted by the all-hazard events, which continue to threaten our nation. National Preparedness Month is used to encourage Americans to take steps to plan and prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, communities and schools that could happen at any time.
National Preparedness Month (NPM) is recognized each September to promote family and community disaster planning now and throughout the year. Hurricane Idalia just brought widespread damage and power outages to about 500,000 but thankfully only three deaths. Our prayers go out to the families that suffered loss.
East Tennessee has suffered floods and fire deaths. Gatlinburg had a disastrous wildfire in November 2016 resulting in 14 deaths. Carter County was flooded in January 1998 causing seven deaths. Greater disasters are coming. Experts say every family should keep a full tank of gas, have a preplanned meeting place, flashlights, batteries, first aid kit, duct tape and plastic sheeting. Experts say have a month’s supply of water, canned or non-perishable food and non-electric can opener.
The best water to store is Kroger brand water because it is non-BPA. Dr. Enuf made in Johnson City is in glass and can be stored for over two years. Vitamin C is also great for cold and flu relief and helps your immune system. Proverbs 30 praises ants as “extremely wise” for storing up many months of food. The book of Proverbs twice says, “A wise man for sees evil and hides himself; but the simple pass on and are punished.” It would be wise to have a year’s supply of food and water! In these end days the Bible teaches disasters will increase. Things can change quickly and our government can’t protect us from everything and we should plan ahead and value preparedness.
Above all people need to prepare spiritually for death by trusting and having a saving relationship with Jesus. The most important preparedness or the ultimate preparedness is found only in Jesus. Disasters strike at anytime without notice. The Bible says in the future a disaster will happen when people are saying, “peace and safety.” The United Nations (U.N.) established The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) and it’s observed around the world each year on September 21. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5, “For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape.”
A world-wide famine is coming. Most countries have grown less food than ever because of fires, drought, floods and other disasters. More of the world has more wildfires than ever. We have had smoke travel to Elizabethton from wildfires in Canada. Some of the western American states have their worst water shortage ever recorded. The Bible says in the future during the tribulation a day’s wages will buy a little bread for one person. One Christian dreamed of $70-a-gallon gas in America during the tribulation. China is also working to crash the American dollar and destroy the American economy according to Kevin Freeman. China plans to take over Taiwan before the end of this year and plans to take over America in two years according to Steven DeNoon. DeNoon says food and water shortages are coming to America. Dr. Peter Pry said the greatest threat to America is destruction of the electric power grid. The electric power grid could be destroyed by an EMP from the sun or from a nuclear bomb high above America or by terrorists or computer hackers. This would kill the majority of those in the cities through starvation. Four Star General Lloyd Austin said our power grid will be attacked and shut down. General Austin said, “It’s a matter of when and not if.”
According to Clare Lopez, Iran has terror cells in the U.S. awaiting orders to strike as they did on 9-11. Evil demonic terrorists gave us 9-11 but only Jesus gives us peace 24-7. Many believe because of a pattern America will be attacked this September 11. George H.W. Bush said on 9-11-1990 we need a “New World Order.” Then 11 years later America was attacked on 9-11-2001. Then 11 years later Americans were attacked in Libya on 9-11-2012. This year will be 11 years since the last attack and 33 years since President Bush pushed the “New World Order.” No matter what happens keep focused on our blessed hope which is Jesus!
Christians need to store up extra food to help others when disasters happen. The Bible says help first your families and churches. Most of all, Christians need to share the gospel of how Jesus died for our sins was buried and rose and is coming again. Christians don’t agree on when the rapture will be, but all agree it’s close. Some Christians believe the rapture is very possible on the Feast of Trumpets which is September 14-15, 2023 this year. Sadly, 2 Peter 3 says, “that there shall come in the last day scoffers, walking after their own lust and saying where is the promise of His (Jesus) coming?” Are you ready and watching for Jesus’ return or are you a scoffer? Watchers get a crown and get a trip to heaven and scoffers get to try to survive the seven-year tribulation. If Jesus comes in September, it will be a September to remember! One thing’s for sure. “It won’t be as long as it has been.” I like what one pastors says, “See you at church Sunday the good Lord willing and the church don’t rise!” Even so come Lord Jesus!

D.D. Nave

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