Why and How We Get Into Christ

Published 8:24 am Thursday, November 30, 2023

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Of all the questions one may ask, perhaps one of the most important is (Why and How Does One Get Into Christ.) The Bible contains two passages that teach us how to get into Christ. Both are in the New Testament. One passage is in Galatians 3, and the other one is in Romans 6.
In this week’s article I want to address what Paul says in Galatians 3:26-27, about getting into Christ. Before we look at Paul’s statement in Galatians, we should consider some reasons why one should want to get into Christ.
First, we should remember that Jesus said we must abide in Him for our prayers to be answered (John 15:7). Second, Paul teaches in (Romans 8:1), that those in Christ are free from condemnation. Third, those who are in Christ are new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). Then Paul reminds us in Ephesians 1:3, that all spiritual blessings are in Christ. In His revelation to John in Revelation 14:13, Jesus stated that those who die in the Lord are blessed. These are some of the most important reasons one should find themselves in Jesus. But the question remains, (How Does One Get Into Christ).
Paul said, “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26 KJV). As it was in the first century, so it is today, we become God’s children by faith in Christ Jesus as opposed to following the Law of Moses. To help clarify, Paul said, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature (Galatians 6:15). Paul shows that whether a person is circumcised or not does not matter. What really matters is becoming “a new creature.” This statement of Paul refers to all men, including Jews and Greeks, bond and free, males and females (Galatians 3:28).
But how does one get into Christ thus being classified as a new creature? Paul gives us that answer in Galatians 3:27, when he wrote by inspiration, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” The answer is obvious, we get into Christ by being baptized into Him. In that action of obedience, (baptism) we are literally putting on Christ.
Paul concludes that we not only become God’s children, but we also become new creatures (Galatians 3:26, 6:15). There are two other blessings involved in getting into Jesus. According to (Galatians 3:29), when we become “Abraham’s seed.” By this Paul means that we become spiritual descendants of Abraham. And he teaches that we become “heirs according to the promise.” This refers to the promise made to Abraham in (Genesis 12:3). It was there that God promised that “all families of the earth” would be blessed in Abraham. This process of getting into Christ is illustrated multiple times in Acts.
On the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, Jews from around the world (vs. 5, 9-11) were in Jerusalem to worship. After Peter’s sermon they asked what to do to avoid the burden of their sins. Paul told them to be baptized and then stated that those who were baptized were added to the Church (vs. 41, 47). This same process was explained to alien sinners throughout the book of Acts. In Acts 8:5-13, Philip went to Samaria and preached Christ. That preaching included baptism. Later in that same chapter (vs. 35-38) the eunuch of Ethiopia obeyed the command of baptism for the remission of sins. Then in Acts 9, Saul, later known as Paul, was taught the same commands by Ananias (Acts 9:18, Acts 22:16). Cornelious also was told to be baptized in (Acts 10:48).
Repeatedly the same doctrine was taught to sinners about how to get into Jesus. In the process of these teachings, we see that those people were to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. They needed to repent of their sins and confess that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. These individuals then being qualified were baptized into Jesus.
The most important question is, are you in Jesus? If not, then why not be baptized into Jesus today.

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