Things are looking up for Christians in 2024

Published 11:09 am Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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To the Editor:
Victor Davis Hanson said 2024 is the year of America’s reckoning. Hanson said he agreed with economic expert Herb Stein who said, “what cannot go on (without destroying the nation) simply will not go on.” America is over $34 trillion dollars in debt. It could be the worst year ever for America but it could be your best year ever for you if you accept Jesus as your Savior. Accept that you are a sinner and need Jesus the only Savior. Believe that God’s only begotten Son, Jesus, died for your sins and arose again. Call on or pray to Jesus to save you. While things are looking bad for America, things are looking up for Christians in 2024. Many Christian watchers believe 2024 will probably be the year of the rapture by Jesus and the beginning of the seven-year tribulation.
There is more chaos in America and throughout the world than ever. It is only a few days into 2024 and we have earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, plane crashes, drone strikes, wars and rumors of wars. The year 2024 is off to a bumpy ride but it is what you would expect in the end days before the return of Jesus. We had three rare earthquakes in Cleveland, Washington D.C., and New York on Jan. 2, 2024. Last month we had rare earthquakes in Georgia and South Carolina. The Bible says in these end days everything that can be shaken will be shaken. The term “Civil War” has been trending on all major social media. Demonic Globalists want chaos and a civil war in America this year. Three movies about the civil war in America come out this year. Some believe some of the over 8 million illegal immigrants crossing our border since Biden took office may be used for that purpose.
The good news is that this chaos, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars are signs of just how close we are to the pretribulation rapture of the Christian church and that is cause for great rejoicing. Jesus said in Luke 21 when you begin to see all these things, look up and lift your heads for your redemption draws near. As 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says, “For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” Don’t focus on the bad things and possible destruction of America. Remember where your citizenship is. As Philippians 3 says “our citizenship is in Heaven, from which we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Above all no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people He loves and this can get you through all the coming troubles until Jesus comes for us.

D.D. Nave

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