Sin presents itself in the mind, manifests itself in word and deed
Published 8:13 am Wednesday, February 14, 2024
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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: I am a Christian, but I agree with many Bible teachers today who say that talking about sin turns people off to the Gospel and that many may come to Christ if He is presented in a more cheerful way. Why is this so debated and why can’t churches see eye-to-eye on something that seems as simple as wanting to draw people in a pleasant way? – S.B.
Dear S.B.: Sin presents itself in the mind, manifests itself in word and deed, and is hidden in the hearts of everyone. It will overtake the man and woman who refuse to believe it and conquer them. The Bible says that the whole world is a prisoner of sin. Sin has crippled human nature, but God has provided the cure. There is no sin that the blood of Jesus Christ cannot cleanse. And that’s good news indeed for a culture that still doesn’t know what to do with sin. All the distress, bitterness, heartache, shame, and tragedy can be summed up in the three-letter word sin. Its meaning – to fall short of God’s standard and to do contrary to God’s law – has an impact on every soul.
The world’s system claims that the notion of sin is old fashioned. People “in” the world prove that claim erroneous. A national newspaper quoted a sociologist who admitted, “Secular people still believe there’s sin, judgment, and punishment.” Sin is definitely “in” and it is “in” every single heart that beats. The truth is that everyone is born in sin. While some may not think of themselves as sinners, God does. He hears every word we utter; He knows the hidden things. But He loves sinners more than we love sin. There is no greater love than what Jesus offers every person ever born. This is the Good News.
“Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12, NKJV).
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)