Be ‘gentle and humble in heart’

Published 8:34 am Monday, July 8, 2024

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Dear Rev. Graham: There’s so much hostility today. I’ve been a Christian a long time but admit that I fail greatly in having a meek and gentle spirit, particularly in response to so much hatefulness and contempt. My aunt was a strong but gentle woman. When debates got heated and stirred people up, her presence seemed to bring calm. It caused people to stop and consider their behavior without a word. This is a desire of mine, though it’s not my natural inclination. Yet the Bible says that a soft answer turns away wrath. Is gentleness something people can learn, or is it simply imparted by God to some and not others? – G.S.


Dear G.S.: All Christian growth, including meekness, takes place in the heavy atmosphere of hostility. The kind of spiritual poise and inward quiet strength as a growing work of the Holy Spirit does not come on a playground but on a spiritual battleground.

Icebergs are particularly formidable and destructive when they drift along the sea lanes. But the greatest threat to icebergs comes from the sun’s rays bringing warmth to life, and death to icebergs.

As gentleness is a powerful force, so the sun proves to be more powerful than the mightiest iceberg. God’s gentleness – or meekness – in us permits the sunrays of God’s Spirit to work on our icebound hearts, transforming them into instruments for good to the glory of God.

Jesus set before us His own example by calling upon us to be “gentle and humble in heart” (Matthew 11:29, NIV). He’s the One who enables us to follow Him. We do not rise up defensively when our feelings are ruffled. We do not seek to be recognized. The enthronement of Christ in our lives makes it possible for meekness to become one of our virtues. One day, the Bible says, “the meek … will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5, NIV).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)