Local clothing boutique provides customer-oriented shopping experience

A clothing boutique may seem a bit out of place in a drug store, but like its owner, the store provides a sense of customer-oriented care and service and care unique to downtown Elizabethton.

Regina Jau has managed the Lingerfelt Boutique for about three years, bringing a touch of fashion from within the downtown pharmacy on East Elk.

She said she took over the store after the previous owner recommended her.

“It was a good opportunity to grow in the business,” Jau said.

Jau came from North Carolina, near Charlotte, after working for a number of years in retail at other stores. Despite the experience in the industry in the past, she said managing a store is different than simply working for one in a number of ways.

“I never thought about everything that goes into this kind of job,” she said. “There is a lot of meeting with reps, ordering supplies, and going to craft stores.”

The boutique has been a part of downtown Elizabethton for about seven years, nestled inside the Lingerfelt Drug and Gift Center. The store features a wide variety of clothing options for a variety of situations.

“Everyone who comes in is looking for something different,” Jau said. “You can find something for everyone here.”

The boutique does not just sell clothing, however. She said they also offer other accessories to compliment the clothing people purchase.

She said one of the best parts of her job is seeing the customers walk away happy.

“I really get satisfaction from helping people feel beautiful,” Jau said.

She said the move to Elizabethton was one she had to consider, but she said has found a strong sense of community in Elizabethton and Carter County, especially from people who are also new to the area.

Managing a store is not the only occupation Jau has, however. She currently attends Regent University as a junior, taking online classes as she studies law.

“It has always been a passion of mine since high school,” she said.

She said the customers continue to be her favorite part of the job.

“I love meeting and working with our awesome customers,” Jau said. “I love helping people find that style they like.”

The store is currently planning to host an open house as they begin their seventh year of business on February 8.

Those looking to attend the open house or to browse their wares can visit them at 609 East Elk.


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