CCMA to host Holy Week services
Published 8:59 am Friday, April 11, 2014
The Carter County Ministerial Association invites the public to attend services during Holy Week, April 14-18, at Elizabethton area churches.
The services will be held at noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and at 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, with two different services and worship opportunities Friday. Lunch will be provided at the noon services.
The Monday service will be held at First Baptist Church of Elizabethton with the Rev. Ray Amos, Pastor of First United Methodist Church, as guest speaker.
Tuesday, the service will be at Oak Street Baptist Church with the Rev. Todd Hallman, Pastor of First Baptist Church, as guest speaker.
Wednesday, the service will be held at Grace Baptist Church with the Rev. Bruce Hendrich, Pastor of Oak Street Baptist, as guest speaker.
Thursday, a Maundy Thursday service will be held at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church with Pastor Ray Amos speaking. Holy Communion will be observed.
Maundy Thursday is observed during Holy Week on the Thursday before Easter. Also referred to as “Holy Thursday” or “Great Thursday” in some Christian denominations, Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples on the night before he was crucified. In contrast to joyful Easter celebrations when Christians worship their resurrected Savior, Maundy Thursday services are typically more solemn occasions, marked by the shadow of Jesus’ betrayal.
A special Good Friday service will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday at First Baptist Church with Pastor Todd Hallman as speaker.
Also, a Secret Church Service featuring an intense six-hour Bible study will be held from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Oak Street Baptist Church. The theme of the study will be “The Cross And Everyday Life.”
Participants will identify with and pray for persecuted brothers and sisters around the globe.