Looking for health information online? Know your A-B-Cs
Published 10:24 am Monday, July 28, 2014

Photo by Brandon Hicks
Sandy Oelschlegel, director of UT’s Preston Medical Library, recently led an educational session at the Elizabethton/Carter County Public Library about researching health information online.
Where do you go to find information about your health conditions or medicines?
In the past, individuals got that information from their doctor or pharmacist, but with advances in technology, many are turning to the Internet to find answers to their questions.
Recently the Elizabethton/Carter County Public Library hosted a health information session by the University of Tennessee Health Extension Office to help residents learn the best way to use technology to research their health.
Sandy Oelschlegel, director of UT’s Preston Medical Library, told those in attendance that there is an abundance of health information available on the Internet – but warned that not all of it is reputable or accurate.
To help determine if a website contains reliable information, Oelschlegel recommends using the ABCs:
A: Who is the “A”uthor or source of the information, and is it “A”ccurate. She said to look for evidence of truth and reliablity of the information.
B: Watch for “B”ias – check for advertising or marketing to sell ideas, products or services.
C: Is the “C”ontent relevant and appropriate, and is it “C”urrent. She said health information can become outdated quickly, so making sure the information is current is important.
Oelschlegel told those in attendance about UT’s Preston Medical Library and the services it offers free of charge. She said anyone with questions about medical conditions or medications can contact Preston Medical Library to find answers.
Those interested can visit the library’s website at www.tennessee.edu/healthinfo or e-mail library@utmck.edu. For those not as tech savvy, the library also has a telephone number where you can call in with your questions by dialing 865-305-9525.
Two other sites Oelschlegel recommended to those seeking health information are http://medlineplus.gov and www.drugs.com.