Board of Education extends Director Ward’s contract another year

Published 8:13 am Monday, January 21, 2019

When Carter County Director of Schools Kevin Ward announced his retirement last year, he felt good with his decision.

“I was very comfortable and settled with the thought,” said Ward.

But after having conversations with a member of the Carter County Board of Education and knowing that school system faces a tough budgeting cycle, Ward felt he should put in one more year as the Director of Schools.

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“I talked with a lot people. I felt like it was something I wanted to do,” said Ward. “The board was very supportive. I look forward to working with them as we move forward with this budget.

“I love Carter County schools,” added Ward. “Don’t get me wrong. I think I would enjoy retirement. But as business occurs, whether it is academics or whether it is the budget, this board, people here at the central office, and myself will work closely together to make sure we meet some of the goals that were set.”

During Thursday’s Carter County Board of Education Directors meeting, the board voted unanimously to approve a one-year contract extension with Ward. The contract will run from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Ward’s contracted salary will remain the same at $96,000.

Also during Thursday’s meeting, the board passed a motion to give a modular building to Carter County. The building, which is located near Mallard Cove in the Little Milligan area, would be used as a substation for the Carter County Sheriff’s Department, Carter County Rescue Squad, and local fire departments. Carter County Mayor Rusty Barnett said the substation is needed to help increase the protection and safety of residents in the Little Milligan area. He said the substation should also have the added bonus of giving residents in that area better insurance rates.

The board was also presented with the third draft of the school system’s five-year plan which was approved by the board. The five-year plan will now be looked over by four committees before its final version is completed.

Ward said that the five-year plan will be a great document for future board members and future director of schools to consider as they work together.